Disability inquiry outlines the pathway for change

* A Disability Rights Act set up by the federal government
* The act would give the right to non-discrimination and equal recognition before the law, as well as access to equitable health services and to live free from abuse and violence
* A new complaints mechanism for people with a disability
* Strengthening awareness and understanding of disability rights, as well as protections for people with disabilities in state and territory laws.
* The disability discrimination act be strengthened, including making it unlawful to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate
* The government develop a national disability agreement to advance equality, inclusion and the rights of people with disabilities
* Federal, state and territory governments make changes to the Australian disability strategy
* A national disability commission be established, which would monitor and report on outcomes for people with disabilities across the country
* The commission be set up by mid-2025 and chaired by a person with a disability and made up of a small group of commissioners, as well as report every two years to federal parliament
* A new portfolio overseeing disability and carers policies within the government
* A review on guardianship and administration legislation in states and territories, including supported decision-making principles
* National standards for public advocates, public guardians and public trustees be updated
* Equal access to mainstream education and enrolment and prevent disciplining students by exclusion
* Commissioners split on whether special schools should be phased out, calling for no students to remain in special or segregated schools by the end of 2051
* Segregated employment to end by 2034
* Availability and supply and accessible housing for people with disability increased through the national construction code
* Commissioners split on phasing out group homes, with some calling for it to be wound down within 15 years
* Disability employment targets of seven per cent by 2025 and nine per cent by 2030 be set for the public service
* The federal government set up a scheme ensuring employees with a disability to be paid half the minimum wage, with a pathway to 100 per cent of the minimum wage by 2034
* The number of Auslan interpreters increased
* A ban on non-therapeutic sterilisation by the end of 2024
Source: https://healthtimes.com.au